Saturday, July 24, 2010


OK I want to know why Mexicans refuse to use their backyards? WTF!!! Beer drinking, birthday parties etc. Are they trying to get rid of their kids by getting them run over in the street, that's right I said a STREET not an open field in a park you dipshits. Stopping in the middle of the road, wait you're PARKING there!!!, you fuck, have you ever even seen pavement before, that can be the only friggen answer because nothing else even makes sense. And one of my favorite topics, control your fucking kids you lame ass parents. Wal Mart is not a playground and the rest of us would appreciate it if you just learned to keep them near you and probably on a leash as you seem to have the attention span of a gnat and would not be able to actually watch your own kids. I know this all sounds racist but these are legitimate requests of any human being in this country, so if it is to much for you to act like you are happy to be here, don't let the door hit you in the ass................ I'm just sayin

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