Monday, February 7, 2011

little things make me happy

teresa gave me this little LED light stick that plugs into a USB port. only about 6 inches of flexible tube from plug to light so very limited in it's usage. I happen to have a USB splitter right next to my keyboard and so I now have a nifty little keyboard light that allows me to do my pc thing in the early without turning on real lights and thus hurting my tender eyes. thanks babe, i think of you every time i turn it on.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Fear Party

All my right wing friends seem to start out their conversations by saying, “I‘m afraid that…………….”. The idea of being afraid of what might happen if you do not follow their (right wing-nuts) religion, and their ideas of what makes an American patriotic is disgusting. The leaders of the religious right and the self appointed leaders of the conservative right want you all to believe that if you are not Christian you are the enemy, if you are not republican you are the enemy. Then one of these guys has a rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and gives one of the most liberal, Democratic leaning speeches we have ever heard. He talked of tolerance and love and getting along with each other and on and on and on. He never mentioned his political positions or any of the many, many, many hours of intolerant rants, racist comments and negative drivel from his show. And you people fell for it; I can’t believe there are so many people blinded by the fear of nothing but their own intolerance and weaknesses. I dare you all to take that speech (which I believe is a bald faced pile of lies) and live it. They don’t want you to because if you do you will lose the fear that they have worked so hard to instill in you with their negative rhetoric all these years.
My fear is that Intolerance by these few will become a disease and ruin what America is and always has been. A place for all, not just you.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The circle of American Politics

A few years ago a huge majority of Americans voted out the current idiots and replaced them with our current Administration, Senate and House of Representitives. Now it took Bush and his band of Morons eight years to make us the most hated and most hypocritical Nation on this planet. The people are already impatient, they expect miracles and are listening to the same idiots they just voted out chanting that they are the change? WTF!! I know that Pelosi and the Dems have failed miserably in that they did not take advantage of their majority and chose instead to fight with each other. But HELLO people, Boehner will be the next speaker of the house and he knows less about American issues than Palin or Bush if that is at all possible. The Dems still have time to regroup and reverse this but are to busy fighting with each other to get anything done together. IDIOTS

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Beck and Limbaugh Idiots #3 & #4

These two idiots make me so mad, I cannot speak logically about them. Liars, hypocrites, traitors, self serving assholes are the only terms I can think of when I hear their names. They would not be missed by me should something tragic happen to them.

Family Campout

Well, another yearly family campout has come and gone and three days later I am still feeling it. A great trip this year and a fantastic spot (thanks to Gayle for that) where we were able to do as we pleased and not annoy anyone. At the peak which was of course "Tequial Noche" we had 29 people and 10 dogs. With the exception of setting up and tearing down there was almost no friction and lots of laughter and fun. The Great Water Balloon War of 2010 will go down in history and the pomp of the flag ceremonies was hilarious. Did I mention that we now have a Ridderbusch Flag that we fly at camp? We played horseshoes for hours and smoked two fresh tuna's and a salmon in this huge freakin smoker/cooker that was there. We ate very well as always and having an actual kitchen was awesome. Oh and we drank liquor all day, and on Tequila night we killed four bottles of good tequila in about 45 minutes. Crazy night but fun stuff for sure.

Friday, August 20, 2010


My favorite on line place for many years has been The Rust List and am sure it will be again for years to come but right now it is not the place I came to love and cherish for it's daily escape from the crap of life into all things Neil. I am not guiltless and have probably contributed to this cesspool of personal political opinions more than once but for my part, I am done and will refrain from any nnc related chatter. Or at least I will try, for after all I am and will always be Richard Fucking Ridderbusch no matter what pity party I am currently engaging in. The best people I know outside my wife and brothers are the People I have met through the List, and know they will still be there after the current rabble have moved on to annoy someone else. Peace


I think she finally did it, defending a radio shock jock gone mad "dr laura" using the word nigger 11 times on radio. Thank you Palin, you just finished yourself off with that one you stupid freakin moron. Even the racists can't stand by you in public anymore because you are not only a racist pig like them you are a self destructive imbecile. I can only hope that the republicans will continue to pick geniuses like Sarah Palin to off set the Democratic side of the idiot contest like oh let's say the empty headed Pelosi. Alfred E. Newman might be our only viable choice by next election.